
Our team offers several great IV treatments full of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. That includes:

RevIVe IV Infusion

Based on the signature Myers's cocktail, this infusion has been clinically proven to help with fatigue, boost the immune system, headaches, muscle aches, athletic recovery, mood, and hangovers. Each infusion includes 1000ml of hydration and electrolytes, B12, B complex, B5, B6, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and glutathione.

Refresh IV Infusion

Want pure hydration to replenish and refresh your body at its cellular level? Our Refresh IV Infusion has a 100% absorption rate, which means you're getting the best way to decrease fatigue and rehydrate yourself. The infusion includes 1000ml of hydration and electrolytes per treatment.

Recover IV Infusion

Rough night and no time to recover? We've got you covered with some anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and anti-hangover help. This infusion includes 1000ml of hydration and electrolytes, B-complex, B12 and Zofran with options to add Toradol (for that headache) and magnesium for liver detox.

Radiance IV Infusion

The biggest organ in your body needs a little love too. You'll get powerful antioxidants to rid your body of free radicals, improve skin elasticity, and trigger cellular growth. Included in this treatment are 1000ml of hydration and electrolytes, B-complex, biotin, vitamin C, and glutathione.

Restore IV Infusion

Give your body what it needs to get back to 100%! Our Restore IV Infusion is great for viruses, allergies, immune-boosting, illness prevention and a metabolism recharge. Each treatment includes 1000ml of hydration and balanced electrolytes, B-complex, B12, vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione.

Recondition IV Infusion

Decrease your downtime with this specially formulated drip for our athletes. A Recondition IV Infusion supports the rebuilding, maintenance, and hydration of your muscles, enhancing endurance and recovery! This treatment is great for muscle regeneration, healing, and muscle cramping. Each infusion includes 1000ml of hydration and electrolytes, B12, B complex, amino acids, and magnesium.